Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Eph. 2:7b

7b Incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

God’s riches are “expressed.” That is, God lavished his riches on me. He had to express himself, it is his nature to do so. He did so “on me.” God’s love always finds expression. He can not love and remain inactive.

He can do this freely because of what Jesus has done in that complete work – the Atonement.

I ask myself a searching question, “Do I reach out to others in the same way that Jesus reaches out to me?” I hesitate to answer that. God reaches out to me because he knows that Jesus has already done the good work that assures God’s blessing if I deliberately reach out in the name of Jesus Christ and bless others.

Expresses in his kindness. The kindness of God to us highlights the accomplished work of Jesus. Jesus is kind to me and that gives me the courage to be kind because it is Jesus in me that enables me to be kind. Jesus is always kind. It is a common virtue of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All are kind, each is kind.

As I focus on this word, “kindness,” I think one could substitute the word “love.” Probably not because kindness is in a sense limited while love embraces life in its entirety. Love is many faceted, one facet of which is kindness. I wish to be kind as Jesus is kind.

The greatest kindness ever expressed to mankind is Jesus Christ, who opens the door to the “incomparable riches, of God’s grace.

1 comment:

Betty said...

Wow! That is so good, Don. Thank you for sharing these insights. I am so thankful for the kindness of Jesus. How much I need His Holy Spirit to reveal this grace more and more so I might praise and love him in a deeper way and as you said, to share that kindness with others - for His glory. It is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance.