Saturday, June 4, 2011

Eph. 2:20a

Please note, the most recent one is on the top. They then appear in reverse order.

2:20a Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets.
Paul adds a metaphor to describe our position in Christ Jesus, parts of a building in which each item plays a part in the edifice, God’s house, the Kingdom of Christ Jesus.

Every building needs a foundation, so it is in this building. The Apostles and Prophets are foundational. They have been used by God to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christian theology is not an eclectic bundle of the ideas of philosophers an kings. The Gospel explains what God has done to redeem mankind and how that redemption is received and lived by people.

Paul contended against Judaizers. John contended against Gnostics. All the New Testament writers encouraged the believers to return, again and again, to the histological facts of Jesus’ work and the core beliefs around which any Christ-honoring theology may be constructed.

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