Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Eph. 2:14b

Please note, the most recent one is on the top. They then appear in reverse order.

14b (Jesus) himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.

One of the most outstanding benefits of Jesus among us is that he breaks down all barriers that society and culture erect. We humans are intensely group-oriented. I think that is one of the marks of being human – to strengthen the groups we are in so that the “we” can survive and prosper. This is the essential ingredient in a great variety of human relationships that we are involved in. We enjoy many different groups beginning with our families and friends to strong nationalism that paints all who are not “with us” as our “enemies.”

I find this strong urge in my own life at many levels. One of the most acute is racism. God pointed that out to me clearly as a missionary in Africa. I admit to having felt superior because I was “white and educated.” I think the only way I could have been broken at that point, and fortunately was, was to live in the reality of the Cross where all barriers are broken as one cleansing blood, one covenant blood, cleanses the soul. That happens regardless of barriers and the result is simply outstanding.

A missionary can be one with local believers, Jews can be at one with Gentiles, former enemies can love one another. Is there a greater witness to the power of the blood of the Cross?

At times I am tempted to think that I should be in a church where everyone is, in a sense, like me. That would solve a lot of problems. But where is the barrier-breaking blood of Christ if I just naturally like everyone else in the group and they like me in return?

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