Friday, June 15, 2012

Warm Beach Fellowship Conference

Ted and Betty McJunkin report on the Warm Beach Fellowship Conference. 

The Lord Jesus faithfully blessed us with his presence and rich grace. Our hearts were blended into one in Him. We experienced a bit of the meaning of John 17 – “that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in you, that they also may be in Us so that the world may believe that You sent Me.” There were just 14 of us, 12 adults and two children. Each person told how the Lord was working in their lives. Our theme was Walking in the Light. We shared together the scriptures in 1 John 1 about what real fellowship in Jesus is, and the need to repent when the Spirit puts His light on our sin, no matter how small, apply the blood by faith and as He gives opportunity, share with others that work of grace, how He brought cleansing and peace and joy by the power of His cross. What blessed me was the “up-to-date-ness” of what was said by each person. We praise Him for what He has done in the past and that has its place, but what is so important is “are you walking with Jesus NOW?”

Ed Bridgeford spoke on spiritual weakness - how Paul delighted in weakness because he could then experience the strength and power of Jesus in his life. Paul speaks often about being weak, “I came to you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling and my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.” ( 1 Cor 2:1-5) I was reminded of Erma Maust’s prayer, “Lord, I am not willing to be a poor, weak, helpless sinner, but I choose to take that place.” I can’t remember the wording exactly but it went something like that. I am always trying to overcome my weakness or hide it rather than just going to Jesus as poor and needy and trusting Him for whatever the need is. Carol Bridgeford also spoke on an area of weakness in her life and how Jesus is helping her to see the importance of keeping “my mind stayed on Him.” One of the scriptures she mentioned was Philippians 4 – how we are to dwell on those things that are “true, honorable, lovely, anything worthy of praise..” I was thinking as I re-read this passage from Phil 4, 4-9, of that little word inverse 6, “with thanksgiving” – I think that is so key to bringing all our anxieties to Jesus – when we thank Him and trust Him that He will do what He promises!

Ron Bridgeford read from Deuteronomy 4:9 and other scriptures about the importance of fathers and their children and teaching them the way to walk with Jesus. He also told of a time when he had to ask his granddaughter’s forgiveness for speaking sharply to her. We’re not only to teach them God’s Word, but we are to walk with Jesus in our homes. This can only happen as we ourselves keep experiencing the reviving work of his Holy Spirit cleansing us and empowering us. Ron also said he felt a need to remind Christians of the deception that is so prevalent in the churches today, using worldly wisdom to promote growth and numbers rather than relying on the power of the cross. Lois Bridgeford praised the Lord for the way He has provided for them and their family and answered so many of her prayers.

Jon Simonson spoke on Romans 1:11 – Paul says, “For I long to see you so that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established; that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine.” He brought out that fellowship with each other encourages us in our walk with Jesus. Both Jon and Stephanie told how they have been experiencing the power of the cross in their relationship with each other, with their kids and others and gave personal examples of how Jesus was helping them to love each other. Someone suggested true spiritual growth is how quickly we run to the cross!

Jenny Wiswell and her fiancé, Dorr Heston, told of God’s leading the past year. Jenny has been on an emotional rollercoaster with many changes going on (her daughter is getting married this month), but Jesus has brought healing and restoration to these situations/ relationships as she has humbled herself, took her hands off and gave it over to the Lord. He is a Wonderful Counselor and “mender of broken things.” We all rejoiced with Dorr and Jenny as they look forward to their marriage in September. Dorr gave several scriptures the Holy Spirit has used in his life this year as he seeks to be the spiritual leader as a soon-to-be husband. He was very clear that he can’t do it, but Jesus can as he trusts in Him.

Gary Olson (our son-in-law) played the keyboard and led us in singing worship songs/hymns that centered on the power of the cross. He also gave his testimony of how the Lord is using his job to humble him and teach him brokenness. He told how the Lord has been putting light on his attitudes and helping him to see he can’t handle things, but when he is willing to go to Jesus, He brings peace to his heart. Mary (our daughter) helped Stephanie with the kids but was one in spirit with us.

Ted spoke on 1 John 1 and what fellowship in Jesus has meant to him and to us. Daily we need to come to the Light, come to Jesus, individually and together, and He keeps our walk fresh and living. As we were driving to the retreat, the Holy Spirit convicted me of thinking because we didn’t have a “special” speaker, I couldn’t learn anything. He brought James 2 to my mind where it says to be partial is sin. God is not partial. I repented and asked Him to cleanse my heart and fill me with His love for each person. He can speak through anyone if my heart is humble and teachable. He answered my prayer and I was truly blessed and encouraged through every testimony given! Jesus wants to revive and refresh our spirits continually so we can abide in Him and learn from each of His children. He desires that we bear fruit even in our old age but I can only bear fruit if my heart is broken and contrite. That is our prayer. Psalm 92:12-15

We all really liked Warm Beach Conference Center and will try to have our next fellowship retreat there. It is in Stanwood, WA which is about an hour and a half from Seattle. The price is right and it has everything we need. Joshua (6) and Sara (4) Simonson were a delight to have with us. This is the first time we have been able to have kids at our retreats for a long time. We praise the Lord for His bountiful blessings and for letting us experience a deeper bond of oneness in Him together. May He be glorified as we encourage each other to walk in His light so we will enjoy fellowship with the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and with one another.

Grace and Peace be yours,

Ted and Betty McJunkin

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