Monday, March 28, 2011

Eph. 1:9

9 And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,

The mystery is no longer a mystery, the plot is now unfolded for all to see and accept. It must have been a mystery indeed, for the Jews under the Old Covenant, for example, to believe that somehow the sacrifices that they were offering had any eternal consequences at all. They surely knew that animal blood can not possibly take away one sin. To them it must have been a mystery how God can possibly forgive sin. They certainly knew that he was not impressed with their endless blood sacrifices. Furthermore, they knew that God planned for them to bless the nations. Old Scriptures speak to that again and again. Centuries passed and they could see little of that promise fulfilled. They lived by faith, knowing that God will reveal the mystery of his will – sometime.

We come now to the New Covenant. Paul declared, as the Gospel always does, that God has made known to us the mystery of his will. That mystery is no longer hidden. We know the will of God – that a way is open for all to be saved and enjoy life with Him forever.

To us who believe, this mystery is now an unbelievable blessing. We are privileged to announce to all mankind that the way is open for all to come to God for forgiveness of sins, and for a place in the family of God, regardless of culture, language or religion.

To us.

Who are the us? We are the Apostles, the eyewitnesses at first. Now us are all of us who are in the growing community of the Body of Christ. To us the mystery is no longer concealed but is common knowledge – all are invited to believe in Jesus Christ. We announce that fact with absolute certainty. Salvation is not limited to the Jews or to any one people, but to all who believe.

But how did this happen? What was transacted to make it possible for all people everywhere to know the fellowship with God? That is where the mystery lay. In reading about God’s covenant with Abraham and the patriarchs it appears as though God had a plan. That was to bless one particular family on the face of the earth and then to use that family to bring the knowledge of God to all. The Jews found it difficult to believe that God could make such a covenant with other tribes and nation. The Jews stood under the cloud of this mystery – how is God going to save all people?

The answer is clear, the atoning work was done by Christ and “In Christ.” Jesus Christ is the key to the mystery. He unfolds the atoning plot before our eyes. That is the story told in the Gospels.

At the center of Jesus’ work was atonement for sins. Jesus, God’s Lamb, willingly gave his life as a sacrifice for sin so that God can legally forgive all confessed sin. That is why Jesus could announce to his Disciples in the Upper Room that he is making a New Covenant, the Covenant in his Blood, a Covenant that includes every person on earth. This open door was predestined before the earth was formed.

Jesus’ blood deals with the sin issue for all. He is the perfect, eternal, effectual sacrifice, meant for and available for all who believe. The purposes of God placed Jesus as the central figure in the New Covenant of God’s grace. That is why Paul could be so clear and emphatic, God purposed to open the door of salvation for all – In Christ.

Paul goes on to explain another wonder. God did all this according to his good pleasure. He was not forced to do this or pressed to do it. He did it all according to his good pleasure. It was the full expression of his love. God so loved that… Even before the first angel fell or the first star was hurled into space, the way of return to God was already being established – The Lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the world. I am a happy recipient of this plan of God that can be explained only by peering into the love of God. It was all an expression of his compelling, eternal love. Who can begin to explain that? I stand in awe and worship.

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