Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quote noted by Ted and Betty

I think you will be blessed and encouraged with this quote that Ted and Betty McJunkin lifted out. "We were so encouraged by these words from John Owen in his book Communion With God. What grace!!!"


By the grace of sanctification, our natures are continually cleansed. We are naturally unclean and defiled, and that continually (Job 14:4; John 3:6). We are wholly defiled and polluted. The grace of sanctification, purchased by the blood of Christ, removes the defilement of our natures (1 Cor 6:11, Titus 3:3-5). By this cleansing, the soul is made fair and beautiful in the sight of God. Though the sin that defiles remains, yet its continual defilement is taken away.

By the grace of sanctification, all the pollutions of our actual transgressions are taken away. Every actual sin defiles. Our own clothes make us loathsome (Job 9:31). A spot, a stain, rust, wrinkle accompanies every sin. (I John 1:7). Besides the defilement of our natures which he purges, he takes away the defilement of our actual persons caused by our foolishness. “By one offering he perfected forever those that are sanctified.” By himself, he ‘purged our sins’ before he sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high (Heb 1:3).

By the grace of sanctification, our best duties are cleansed from defilement. Even our very best duties are defiled (Isaiah 64:6). Self, unbelief and formalities insinuate themselves into all that we do. God has promised that the saints’ good works shall follow them. In fact, if our good works were tested and weighed in the balance of the sanctuary, it would be just as well if they were buried forever. But the Lord Christ, as our high priest, bears the iniquity and the guilt of our best works and washes away all their filth and defilement. He is like a refiner’s fire to purge both the sons of Levi and their offerings, adding sweet incense to them so that they may be accepted (Mal 3:3). Whatever is of the Spirit himself, or of grace, will remain. Whatever is of self, flesh and unbelief, that is wood, hay and stubble. These he burns up. The good works of the saints shall meet them one day with a changed face so that even they will not recognize them. That which seemed to the saints to be black, deformed and defiled shall appear beautiful and glorious. Saints shall not be afraid of their works, but rejoice in them.

This cleansing of our natures, persons and duties has its whole foundation in the death of Christ. So our washing and purifying, our cleansing and purging is brought about by his blood shed and sprinkled on us and our works. The sprinkling of the blood of Christ comes from the Holy Spirit whom Christ promised to us as purchased by him for us. The Holy Spirit is the pure water by which we are sprinkled from all our sins. The blood of Christ not only removes the defilement of sin, but also gives purity.

Actual ability to perform every spiritual duty is given to us. Without Christ, we can do nothing (John 15:5). Believers continually depend on Christ for new influences of grace or for supplies of strength from the Spirit. For every new act, believers need new grace. Christ must work in us to will and to do for his good pleasure Phil 2:13).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Another Wesley Hymn

When I open the John Wesley hymn book I find the same message time after time - a clear message of God's grace, poured out through Jesus. I detect a note of unworthiness yet a strong determination to get on walking with God.

Listen to the heart of John Wesley:

John Wesley

HYMN 339.

1 0 Thou, to whose all-searching sight
The darkness shineth as the light,
Search, prove my heart; it pants for thee;
O burst these bonds, and set it free!

2 Wash out its stains, refine its dross,
Nail my affections to the cross;
Hallow each thought; let all within
Be clean, as thou, my Lord, art clean!

3 If in this darksome wild I stray,
Be thou my Light, be thou my Way;
No foes, no violence I fear,
No fraud, while thou, my God, art near.

4 When rising floods my soul o'erflow,
When sinks my heart in waves of woe,
Jesus, thy timely aid impart,
And raise my head, and cheer my heart.

5 Saviour, where'er thy steps I see,
Dauntless, untired, I follow thee!
O let thy hand support me still,
And lead me to thy holy hill !

6 If rough and thorny be the way,
My strength proportion to my day;
Till toil, and grief, and pain shall cease,
Where all is calm, and joy, and peace.